
  • L'Observatoire des Baronnies Provencales
  • est un domaine astronomique dédié à la
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Exoplanètes & Recherche

13 janvier 2014 1 13 /01 /janvier /2014 10:43


Devant l'étendue des articles dans le blog technique de l'Observatoire des Baronnies Provençales, une amélioration s'imposait pour ceux qui arrivent pour la première fois et qui souhaitent comprendre les activités à l'Observatoire. Un site web a donc été développé à cette intention en regroupant les approches par fonctions:

- présentation de l'Observatoire et du site

- rubrique grand public

- rubrique amateurs

- rubrique professionnels

- rubrique animateurs et enseignants

- rubrique formation

- rubrique hébergements à l'Observatoire

- rubrique recherche & developpement

En espérant que cela clarifie vos premières démarches

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4 décembre 2013 3 04 /12 /décembre /2013 21:41

Voila trois ans que le blog astronomique de l'Observatoire des Baronnies Provençales existe. Un peu plus de 300 articles postés pour vous faire découvrir comment un tel projet a pu voir le jour et quelles ont été les étapes de la conception à la réalisation. 

2013 était notre première année d'exploitation complète avec toutes les activités offertes au Grand Public, amateurs et professionnels. Innovation, R&D, formation dédiées à l'astronomie, conception de produits, robotisation de télescopes sur Internet, intégration de systèmes et tourisme astronomique le tout dans un environnement préservé au sein d'un observatoire professionnel ouvert à tous, toute l'année.



Images prises hier soir lors d'une séance sur Hypérion de 18h00 à 22h00

Bon seeing entre 1.5 et 2.5 arcsec

Toutes les cibles sont trés basses au-dessus de l'Horizon.


De gauche à droite et de haut en bas

Galaxie du Sculpteur : filtre rouge uniquement au méridien 10 poses de 2 minutes

Nébuleuse d'Orion : filtres N2, S2, BB. 4 poses de 2 minutes dans chaque filtre

Nébuleuse de l'Hélice : filtres S2, Ha, BB. 4 poses de 2 minutes dans chaque filtre

Comète Lovejoy : entre 18h00 et 18h30 avant son passage derrière la colline, filtre RVB 5 poses de 60 sec


Sculpteur 2h red traitée




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13 octobre 2013 7 13 /10 /octobre /2013 09:25

Nous éditons pour la première fois la brochure de présentation générale de l'Observatoire Astronomique des Baronnies Provençales. Ce document est à vocation de présentation des activités à l'OBP. Vous y retrouverez notre vision et le résumé de 6 ans de projet (de 2007 à 2012). Ce livret est à vocation grand public. Devrait sortir prochainement les livrets concernant les formations, les activités professionnelles et les activités à destinations des amateurs.

Ce livret est disponible dans sa forme papier à l'Observatoire.


Observatoire des Baronnies Provençales : 

Votre prochaine Etape vers de nouveaux horizons et au-delà.

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22 août 2013 4 22 /08 /août /2013 13:40

Cela fait maintenant 10 ans, en aout 2003 que l'envie d'un projet astronomique tourné vers le public prenait consistance lors d'une session d'une semaine dans le cadre Ecole d'été à l'Observatoire de Haute-Provence et organisé par l'Institut de Mécanique Céleste et Calcul des Ephémérides. Plus particulièrement la vie avec les astronomes et les techniciens de l'Observatoire me paraissait naturelle et le besoin de reproduire cette ambiance toute spécifique se transforma alors en une idée qui pouvait un jour émerger lorsque l'occasion se présenterait peut être.


Le groupe des 12 stagiaires ainsi que les animateurs encadrés par Jean-Eudes Arlot. J'ai 10 ans de moins et suis à droite toute de la photo. Ambiance studieuse lors de l'attente d'une occultation d'étoile par un astéroïde. Finalement sans résultat mais quelle formidable intégration avec les astronomes en mission dans la salle de contrôle sous la coupole de télescope de 120 cm.








Comme quoi il y a des déclics qui prennent du temps à se mettre en opération : l'occasion se présenta entre novembre 2008 et octobre 2009, et notamment lors d'un rendez vous avec le Pays Sisteronais Buëch et de la mise en place du groupe de travail entre professionnels, élus et techniciens.

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26 juin 2013 3 26 /06 /juin /2013 10:26


Depuis quelques jours les vitesses Internet à l'Observatoire des Baronnies provençales ont fortement augmenté. 20 mégas en descendant et 4 à 6 mégas de transfert montant qui permettent maintenant une bonne gestion des débits pour chaque activité et le tout en illimité. Les temps de latence en connexion satellite étant proche de 1 seconde, cet aspect est adressé techniquement par la gestion des flux via une boucle locale radio à 500 kilobits/s et l'ADSL (2 Mégas descendant et 1 méga montant).


Ces nouveaux éléments permettent la mise en place pérenne de nouveaux projets et de missions pour les astronomes en visite, ainsi que l'envoi sans limitation de lourdes images à travers le réseau Lightbuckets.

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22 août 2012 3 22 /08 /août /2012 13:30


Nous accueillons dans la salle de contrôle Titan les revues d'astronomie suivantes :

- Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics de 1966 à 2003

- Revus d'Astronomie Populaire de Camille Flammarion de 1882 à 1893

Voici la liste des articles parus dans les différents volumes de l'Annual Review



Volume 1 - 1963

Preface by The Editorial Committee
Radio Telescopes
The Solar Granulation
The Sun's Magnetic Field
Ultraviolet and X Rays from the Sun
Mass Loss From Stars
Novae and Novalike Stars
The Content of Galaxies: Stars and Gas
The Dynamics of Galaxies
Magnetic Fields and Spiral Structure
Review of Celestial Mechanics
The Terrestrial Planets
Interstellar Grains
Solar Bursts
Physical Basis of the Pulsation Theory of Variable Stars
Related Articles Appearing in Annual Review of Nuclear Science


Volume 2 - 1964                                                                                             

Preface by The Editorial Committee
Radio Emission from Jupiter
The RR Lyrae Stars
The Dynamics of Star Clusters
The Moon
Planetary Nebulae
Isotope Chronology of Meteorites
Interplanetary Debris Near the Earth
Photosensitive Detectors
Nonthermal Radio Frequency Radiation from the Galaxy
The O Associations in the Solar Neighborhood
Supernovae and Supernova Remnants
The Structure of the Solar Chromosphere
The Atmospheres of the Magnetic and Metallic-Line Stars
Some Statistical Properties of Comets with Plasma Tails
The Formation of Stars and Galaxies: Unified Hypotheses
Solar Flares
Receivers for Cosmic Radio Waves

Volume 3 – 1965

Preface by The Editorial Committee
Clustering of Galaxies
Absolute Spectral Energy Distributions in Stars
The Energy Balance and Dynamics of the Interstellar Medium
Spectral Line Broadening
The System of Astronomical Constants
Theory of Stellar Orbits in the Galaxy
Model Atmospheres
Chemical Evidence Bearing on the Origin of the Solar System
Some Observational Aspects of Stellar Evolution
Radio Radiation from the Galactic Nuclear Region
Cosmic Magnetobremsstrahlung (Synchrotron Radiation)
Spectra of Comets and Their Interpretation
Radar Astronomy

Volume 4 – 1966

Preface by The Editorial Committee
Abundance Determinations from Stellar Spectra
The Long-Period Variable Stars
Problems of Close Binary Systems that Involve Transfer of Angular Momentum
The Accuracy of Trigonometric Parallaxes of Stars
Absolute Intensity Calibrations in Radio Astronomy
Magellanic Clouds
The Structure of Radio Galaxies
Evolution of Protostars
Astronomical Measurements in the Infrared
Hydrogen Molecules in Astronomy
The Polarization of Cosmic Radio Waves
Magnetic Stars
Pulsation Theory
Superdense Stars
Spectral Classification Through Photo-Electric Narrow-Band Photometry

Volume 5 – 1967

Preface by The Editorial Committee
Magnetic Field of the Sun (Observational)
On the Interpretation of Statistics of Double Stars
Astronomical Optics
Waves in the Solar Atmosphere
Determination of Masses of Eclipsing Binary Stars
Masses of Visual Binary Stars
Astronomical Fabry-Perot Interference Spectroscopy
Observing the Galactic Magnetic Field
Oh Molecules in the Interestellar Medium
Structure of the Solar Corona
On the Origin of the Solar System
Ultraviolet and X Rays from the Sun
Extrasolar X-Ray Sources
Energetic Particles from the Sun
Quasi-Stellar Objects
The Dynamics of Disk-Shaped Galaxies
Rotating Fluid Masses
Gamma Radiation from Celestial Objects
Thermonuclear Reaction Rates
Stellar Evolution within and off the Main Sequence

Volume 6 – 1968

Preface by The Editorial Committee
Electronic Image Intensification
Measurement of Stellar Diameters
The Wolf-Rayet Stars
Observed Properties of the Interplanetary Plasma
Statistics of Solar Active Regions
The Structure of Sunspots
Structure and Dynamics of the Interstellar Medium
Intergalactic Matter
Interstellar Dust
The Counts of Radio Sources
The Physics of Comet Tails
The Dynamics of Planetary Rotations
Radio Spectra
White Dwarfs
Observational Techniques in X-Ray Astronomy
Variable Radio Sources
Theoretical Atomic Transition Probabilities

Volume 7 – 1969

Preface by The Editorial Committee
Cosmic Rays in the Galaxy
The Large-Scale Distribution of Hydrogen in the Galaxy
Evolution of Diffuse Nebulae
Lithium and Beryllium in Stars
X Rays from the Sun
Mechanisms of Solar Flares
The Interiors of the Planets
Radar Studies of Planetary Surfaces
Infrared Spectra of Stars
Motions of Planetary Atmospheres
Synthetic-Aperture Radio Telescopes
Developments in the Theory of Synchrotron Radiation and its Reabsorption
Ultraviolet Astronomy
The Moon's Surface
Quasistellar Objects
Physics of Massive Objects
The Magnetosphere of Jupiter
High-Resolution Observations of Radio Sources
Stellar Rotation

Volume 8 – 1970

Preface by The Editorial Committee
The Origin of Solar Magnetic Fields
The Theory of Stellar Winds and Related Flows
Auroral Physics
Atmospheres of Very Late-Type Stars
Information-Processing Systems in Radio Astronomy and Astronomy
Optical Observations of Extrasolar X-Ray Sources
The Cosmic Abundance of Helium
Neutron Stars
Astronomical Fourier Spectroscopy
Radiofrequency Recombination Lines
Internal Rotation of the Sun
Excitation and Ionization by Electron Impact
The Nuclei of Galaxies

Volume 9 – 1971

Preface by The Editorial Committee
Meteorites and the Early Solar System
Dwarf Galaxies
Infrared Sources of Radiation
The Nearby Stars
Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae
The Atmospheres of Mars and Venus
Evolutionary Processes in Close Binary Systems
Ultraviolet Studies of the Solar Atmosphere
The Formation of Spectral Lines
Filled-Aperture Antennas for Radio Astronomy
Physical Conditions and Chemical Constitution of Dark Clouds
Convection in Stars I. Basic Boussinesq Convection
Recent Developments in the Theory of Degenerate Dwarfs

Volume 10 – 1972

Preface by The Editor
Spectra of Solar Flares
Solar Neutrinos
Evolution of Rotating Stars
Solar Spicules
Fundamental Systems of Positions and Proper Motions
Supernova Remnants
Radio Bursts from the Solar Corona
Ultraviolet Astronomy
Intergalactic Matter
Convection in Stars II. Special Effects
The Short-Wavelength Spectrum of the Microwave Background
Gravitational-Wave Astronomy
Heating and Ionization of HI Regions
Pulsars: Structure and Dynamics

Volume 11 – 1973

Preface by The Editor
Turbulence and Scintillations in the Interplanetary Plasma
Spectral Classification
Millimeter-Wavelength Radio-Astronomy Techniques
Explosive Nucleosynthesis in Stars
Image-Tube Systems
The Physical Properties of Carbon Stars
Dynamical Astronomy of the Solar System
Standard Model of the Early Universe
The Effects of Departures from LTE in Stellar Spectra
Processes in Collapsing Interstellar Clouds
New Generation Optical Telescope Systems
Diffuse X and Gamma Radiation
Interstellar Grains
Interaction of Fast Particles with Waves in Cosmic Magnetoactive Plasma
Physical Processes Near Cosmological Singularities

Volume 12 – 1974

Preface by The Editor
Compact X-Ray Sources
Solar Rotation
Cosmic-Ray Propagation in the Galaxy: Collective Effects
Coherent Molecular Radiation
Large-Scale Dynamics of the Interstellar Medium
Surface Geology of the Moon
Equation of State at Ultrahigh Densities
Post Main Sequence Evolution of Single Stars
The Chemically Peculiar Stars of the Upper Main Sequence
Radio Radiation from Interstellar Molecules
The Spectra of Supernovae
Planetary Nebulae
The Solar X-Ray Spectrum
Waves in the Solar Atmosphere
On the Origin of the Light Elements

Volume 13 – 1975

Preface by The Editor
Computer Simulations of Stellar Systems
Radio Surveys and Source Counts
Neutrino Processes in Stellar Interiors
Thermonuclear Reaction Rates, II
Chemical Composition of Extragalactic Gaseous Nebulae
Ultraviolet Studies of the Interstellar Gas
On-Line Computers for Telescope Control and Data Handling
Young Stellar Objects and Dark Interstellar Clouds
Stellar Populations in Galaxies
High-Velocity Neutral Hydrogen
Unseen Astrometric Companions of Stars
Equation of State at Ultrahigh Densities
Astrophysical Processes Near Black Holes
Instrumental Technique in X-Ray Astronomy
On the Pulsar Emission Mechanisms

Volume 14 – 1976

Preface by The Editor
The Interstellar Magnetic Field
Astronomical Applications of Echelle Spectroscopy
Chemical Evolution of Galaxies
Chemistry of Primitive Solar Material
Stellar Opacity
The Structure of Cataclysmic Variables
Physical Processes in Comets
The BL Lacertae Objects
Radio Astrometry
Orbital Resonances in the Solar System
Nonradial Oscillations of Stars: Theories and Observations
The Morphology of Hydrogen and of Other Tracers in the Galaxy
The Line Spectra of Quasi-Stellar Objects
Observational Tests of Antimatter Cosmologies
Soft X-Ray Sources
The Radio Continuum Morphology of Spiral Galaxies
Extended Extragalactic Radio Sources

Volume 15 – 1977

Preface by The Editor
About Dogma in Science, and other Recollections of an Astronomer
Recent Observations of Pulsars
The Origin of Solar Activity
Seyfert Galaxies
Consequences of Mass Transfer in Close Binary Systems
Large-Scale Solar Magnetic Fields
The Interaction of Supernovae with the Interstellar Medium
Transition Probability Data for Molecules of Astrophysical Interest
Recent Theories of Galaxy Formation
Formation and Destruction of Dust Grains
The Galactic Center
Mass and Energy Flow in the Solar Chromosphere and Corona
Jupiter's Magnetosphere
Theories of Spiral Structure
Interstellar Scattering and Scintillation of Radio Waves
Clusters of Galaxies
Extragalactic X-Ray Sources

Volume 16 – 1978

Preface by The Editor
The Development of our Knowledge of Variable Stars
Secular Stability: Applications to Stellar Structure and Evolution
The Asteroids
Stellar Interferometry Methods
The Kinematics of Spiral and Irregular Galaxies
Results of Venus Missions
Theory and Observations of Classical Novae
The Observational Status of the β Cephei Stars
Masses of Neutron Stars and Black Holes in X-Ray Binaries
Physical Properties of the Planets and Satellites from Radar Observations
Isotopic Structures in Solar System Materials
Instrumentation for Infrared Astronomy
Mass Loss in Early-Type Stars
Recent Advances in Coronal Physics
A View of Solar Magnetic Fields, the Solar Corona, and the Solar Wind in Three Dimensions
Radio Recombination Lines
Magnetic White Dwarfs
Gravitational-Wave Astronomy
Theoretical Models of Star Formation
Gas Phase Reactions in Astrophysics

Volume 17 – 1979

Preface by The Editor
A Few Notes on My Career as an Astrophysicist
Infrared Spectroscopy of Stras
Advances in Astronomical Photography at Low Light Levels
Observed Properties of Interstellar Dust
Computer Image Processing
Masses and Mass-To-Light Ratios of Galaxies
Digital Imaging Techniques
The Violent Interstellar Medium
Globular Clusters in Galaxies
Stellar Winds
On the Nonhomogeneity of Metal Abundances in Stars of Globular Clusters and Satellite Subsystems of the Galaxy
Compact H II Regions and OB Star Formation
Martian Meteorology
Physics of Neutron Stars
Stellar Occultation Studies of the Solar System
Infrared Emission of Extragalactic Sources
Model Atmospheres for Intermediate and Late-Type Stars

Volume 18 – 1980

Preface by The Editor
On Some Trends in the Development of Astrophysics
The Masses of Cepheids
Infrared Spectroscopic Observations of the Outer Planets, their Satellites, and the Asteroids
Formation of the Terrestrial Planets
Stellar Masses
The Structure of Extended Extragalactic Radio Sources
Interstellar Shock Waves
Envelopes Around Late-Type Giant Stars
Cosmic-Ray Confinement in the Galaxy
Optical and Infrared Polarization of Active Extragalactic Objects
White Dwarf Stars
Nuclear Abundances and Evolution of the Interstellar Medium
Stellar Chromospheres
Measurements of the Cosmic Background Radiation
Microwave Background Radiation as a Probe of the Contemporary Structure and History of the Universe

Volume 19 – 1981

Preface by The Editor
Some Notes on My Life as an Astronomer
On the Theory of Coronal Heating Mechanisms
Absorption Lines in the Spectra of Quasistellar Objects
Abundances in Stellar Populations and the Interstellar Medium in Galaxies
The Present Status of Dynamo Theory
Accretion Discs in Astrophysics
Pinch Sheets and Reconnection in Astrophysics
Mass, Angular Momentum, and Energy Transfer in Close Binary Stars
The Effective Temperature Scale
The Chemical Composition, Structure, and Dynamics of Globular Clusters
The Extragalactic Distance Scale
Compact Radio Sources
Preliminary Results of the Air Force Infrared Sky Survey

Volume 20 – 1982

Preface by The Editor
The Universe: Past and Present Reflections
Element Segregation in Stellar Outer Layers
Photospheric Spectrum Line Asymmetries and Wavelength Shifts
Stellar Populations in the Galaxy
Interaction Between a Magnetized Plasma Flow and a Strongly Magnetized Celestial Body with an Ionized Atmosphere: Energetics of the Magnetosphere
Planetary Magnetospheres
Interstellar Molecular Hydrogen
Magnetic Stars
Gas in the Galactic Halo
The Dynamics of Planetary Rings
Millimeter- And Submillimeter-Wave Receivers
Spectra of Cosmic X-Ray Sources
High Resolution Imaging From the Ground
Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies and Other Spheroidal Components
Extranuclear Clues to the Origin and Evolution of Activity in Galaxies
The Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn
High Spatial Resolution Solar Microwave Observations
Molecular Clouds in Galaxies
X-Ray-Imaging Observations of Clusters of Galaxies
The Search for Infrared Protostars

Volume 21 – 1983

Preface by The Editor
Scientists I Have Known and Some Astronomical Problems I Have Met
The Optical Counterparts of Compact Galactic X-Ray Sources
Galactic Gamma-Ray Sources
Evidence for Local Anisotropy of the Hubble Flow
Thermonuclear Reaction Rates, III
Dust in Galaxies
Herbig-Haro Objects
Interstellar Ammonia
Asymptotic Giant Branch Evolution and Beyond
Normal and Abnormal Binary Frequencies
Variations in Solar Luminosity

Volume 22 – 1984

Preface by The Editor
An Astronomical Life
Structure and Evolution of Irregular Galaxies
Observations of Supernova Remnants
Image Formation by Self-Calibration in Radio Astronomy
Solar Rotation
Alternatives to the Big Bang
The Evolution of Galaxies in Clusters
Sagittarius a and its Environment
Coronal Mass Ejections
Astronomical Fourier Transform Spectroscopy Revisited
Extragalactic Radio Jets
High-Energy Neutral Radiations from the Sun
Origin and History of the Outer Planets: Theoretical Models and Observational Constraints
The Origin of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays
The Influence of Environment on the HI Content of Galaxies
Black Hole Models for Active Galactic Nuclei
Observations of SS 433
Neutron Stars in Interacting Binary Systems
Helioseismology: Oscillations as a Diagnostic of the Solar Interior

Volume 23 – 1985

Preface by The Editor
Astronomer by Accident
Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Astronomical "Seeing"
High Angular Resolution Measurements of Stellar Properties
Planetary Nebulae and Their Central Stars
Recent Developments Concerning the Crab Nebula
Shells and Rings Around Galaxies
Radio Emission from the Sun and Stars
The Composition of Field Halo Stars and the Chemical Evolution of the Halo
Cold Outflows, Energetic Winds, and Enigmatic Jets around Young Stellar Objects
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: Theories and Observations
Stellar Activity Cycles
On Stellar X-Ray Emission

Volume 24 – 1986

Preface by The Editor
A Half-Century of Astronomy
The Quiet Solar Transition Region
The Dynamical Evolution of H II Regions- Recent Theoretical Developments
Molecules in Stars
Maximum Entropy Image Restoration in Astronomy
Emission-Line Regions of Active Galaxies and QSOs
The Physics of Supernova Explosions
Charge-Coupled Devices in Astronomy
Recent Progress in the Understanding of Pulsars
The Evolution of Massive Stars with Mass Loss
Mass Loss from Cool Stars
The Population Concept, Globular Clusters, Subdwarfs, Ages, and the Collapse of the Galaxy
Global Structure of Magnetic Fields in Spiral Galaxies
High-Resolution Optical and Ultraviolet Absorption-Line Studies of Interstellar Gas
Pulsar Timing and General Relativity
Star Counts and Galactic Structure

 Volume 25 – 1987

Preface by The Editor
Clustering of Astronomers
Star Formation in Molecular Clouds: Observation and Theory
Elements and Patterns in the Solar Magnetic Field
Wolf-Rayet Stars
The Art of N-Body Building
The Iras View of the Extragalactic Sky
Comets and their Composition
Rotation and Magnetic Activity in Main-Sequence Stars
The Local Interstellar Medium
Cepheids as Distance Indicators
Physical Conditions, Dynamics, and Mass Distribution in the Center of the Galaxy
Existence and Nature of Dark Matter in the Universe
Very Low Mass Stars
The Iras View of the Galaxy and the Solar System
Dynamical Evolution of Globular Clusters
The Galactic Spheroid and Old Disk
Variations of Solar Irradiance Due to Magnetic Activity

Volume 26 – 1988

Preface by The Editor
A Morphological Life
A Postencounter view of Comets
The Galactic Nuclear Bulge and the Stellar Content of Spheroidal Systems
Polarization Properties of Extragalactic Radio Sources
Large-Scale Expanding Superstructures in Galaxies
Tests of Evolutionary Sequences Using Color-Magnitude Diagrams of Globular Clusters
Supernovae and Supernova Remnants
Enhanced Star Formation and Infrared Emission in the Centers of Galaxies
The Infrared Temporal Development of Classical Novae
Recent Advances in Optical Astrometry
Origin of the Solar System
Observed Variability of the Solar Luminosity
The Luminosity Function of Galaxies
Observational Tests of World Models
Large-Scale Structure in the Universe Indicated by Galaxy Clusters

Volume 27 – 1989

Preface by The Editor
Dreams, Stars, and Electrons
The Status and Prospects for Ground-Based Observatory Sites
The Orion Molecular Cloud and Star-Forming Region
X Rays From Normal Galaxies
Populations in Local Group Galaxies
A New Component of the Interstellar Matter: Small Grains and Large Aromatic Molecules
Interaction Between the Solar Wind and the Interstellar Medium
Surface Photometry and the Structure of Elliptical Galaxies
Abundance Ratios as a Function of Metallicity
T Tauri Stars: Wild as Dust
Astrophysical Contributions of the International Ultraviolet Explorer
Classification of Solar Flares
Diffuse Galactic Gamma-Ray Emission
Quasi-Periodic Oscillations and Noise in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
Kinematics, Chemistry, and Structure of the Galaxy
Supernova 1987A
Chemical Analyses of Cool Stars

Volume 28 – 1990

Preface by The Editor
Notes of an Amateur Astrophysicist
Interstellar Dust and Extinction
Theories of the Hot Interstellar Gas
Masses and Evolutionary Status of White Dwarfs and Their Progenitors
Cooling of White Dwarfs
The Origin of Neutron Stars in Binary Systems
H I in the Galaxy
Solar Convection
Quantitative Spectroscopy of Hot Stars
Radio Images of the Planets
Gamma-Ray Bursts
The Space Distribution of Quasars
Equilibrium and Dynamics of Coronal Magnetic Fields
Extragalactic H II Regions
Radio Propagation Through the Turbulent Interstellar Plasma
Rapidly Oscillating Ap Stars
The Soft X-Ray Background and Its Origins

Volume 29 – 1991

Preface by The Editor
The Interplanetary Plasma
The Few-Body Problem in Astrophysics
Collective Plasma Radiation Processes
The Cosmic Far Ultraviolet Background
Ultraviolet Background Radiation
Chemical Evolution of the Galaxy
The Search for Brown Dwarfs
Distribution of Co in the Milky Way
Structure and Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies
Flares on the Sun and other Stars
Inflation for Astronomers
Galactic and Extragalactic Supernova Rates
The Mass of the Galaxy
Radioactive Dating of the Elements
Redshift Surveys of Galaxies
Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies Beyond the Local Group
Molecular Gas in Galaxies
Seismic Observations of the Solar Interior

Volume 30 – 1992

Preface by The Editor
From Steam to Stars to the Early Universe
Dust-Gas Interactions and the Infrared Emission from Hot Astrophysical Plasmas
Astronomical Masers
Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections
Magnetic Fields of Degenerate Stars
The Pluto-Charon Systems
New Developments in Understanding the HR Diagram
Evidence for Black Holes in Stellar Binary Systems
Cosmological Applications of Gravitational Lensing
Type Ia Supernovae as Standard Candles
X-Ray Astronomy Missions
The Origin of the X-Ray Background
Long-Baseline Optical and Infrared Stellar Interferometry
The Cosmological Constant
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Radio Emission from Normal Galaxies
Evidence for Evolution in Faint Field Galaxy Samples
Observations of the Isotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
Dynamics of Interacting Galaxies

Volume 31 – 1993

Preface by The Editor
Notes from a Life in the Dark
Adaptive Optics for Astronomy: Principles, Performance, and Applications
Proto-Planetary Nebulae
Origin and Evolution of X-Ray Binaries and Binary Radio Pulsars
Planet Formation
Supernova 1987A Revisited
The Atmospheres of Uranus and Neptune
The Long-Term Dynamical Evolution of the Solar System
Millimeter and Submillimeter Interferometry of Astronomical Sources
The Distance to the Center of the Galaxy
Theory of Interstellar Shocks
The Faint End of the Stellar Luminosity Function
Unified Models for Active Galactic Nucle and Quasars
Jupiter's Great Red Spot and Other Vortices
Galactic Structure Surveys and the Evolution of the Milky Way
High Redshift Radio Galaxies
Astronomical Tests of the Cold Dark Matter Scenario
X-Ray Spectra and Time Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei

Volume 32 – 1994

Preface by The Editor
Watcher of the Skies
The Goldilocks Problem: Climatic Evolution and Long-Term Habitability of Terrestrial Planets
Physical Parameters Along the Hubble Sequence
The r-, s-, and p-Processes in Nucleosynthesis
Abundances in the Interstellar Medium
Massive Star Populations in Nearby Galaxies
Cooling Flows in Clusters of Galaxies
Anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background
Dynamics of Cosmic Flows
Cosmic Dusty Plasma
Pre-Main-Sequence Binary Stars
Baryonic Dark Matter
Binary and Millisecond Pulsars

Volume 33 – 1995

Preface by The Editor
An Astronomical Rescue
The Diffuse Interstellar Bands
Stellar Pulsations Across the HR Diagram: Part 1
Explosive Nucleosynthesis Revisited: Yields
Blue Stragglers and Other Stellar Anomalies: Implications for the Dynamics of Globular Clusters
Intraday Variability in Quasars and BL LAC Objects
Angular Momentum Evolution of Young Stars and Disks
High-Energy Particles in Solar Flares
Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in the Solar Wind
The Kuiper Belt
Completing the Copernican Revolution: The Search for Other Planetary Systems
The Old Open Clusters of the Milky Way
Gamma-Ray Bursts
The Solar Neutrino Problem
Theory of Accretion Disks I: Angular Momentum Transport Processes
Comptonization of the Cosmic Microwave Background: The Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect
Inward Bound--The Search for Supermassive Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei

Volume 34 – 1996

The Desire To Understand The World
Corotating And Transient Solar Wind Flows In Three Dimensions
Solar Active Regions As Diagnostics Of Subsurface Conditions
Bipolar Molecular Outflows From Young Stars And Protostars
Galactic Magnetism: Recent Developments And Perspectives
The Fu Orionis Phenomenon1
Circumstellar Photochemistry
Interstellar Abundances From Absorption-Line Observations With The Hubble Space Telescope
Geminga: Its Phenomenology, Its Fraternity, And Its Physics
Charged Dust Dynamics In The Solar System
Gravitational Microlensing In The Local Group
The Age Of The Galactic Globular Cluster System
Old And Intermediate-Age Stellar Populations In The Magellanic Clouds
Stellar Pulsations Across The Hr Diagram: Part Ii
X-Ray Novae
The Galactic Center Environment
Theory Of Accretion Disks Ii: Application To Observed Systems
Luminous Infrared Galaxies

Volume 35 – 1997

A Physicist Courts Astronomy
Eta Carinae And Its Environment
The Sun's Variable Radiation And Its Relevance For Earth1
Luminous Supersoft X-Ray Sources
Observational Selection Bias Affecting The Determination Of The Extragalactic Distance Scale
Model Atmospheres Of Very Low Mass Stars And Brown Dwarfs
Dense Photodissociation Regions (Pdrs)1
High-Velocity Clouds
Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
Optical Spectra Of Supernovae
Compact Groups Of Galaxies
Faint Blue Galaxies
Variability Of Active Galactic Nuclei
Abundance Ratios And Galactic Chemical Evolution
Mixing In Stars
Parsec-Scale Jets In Extragalactic Radio Sources1
Galactic Bulges

Volume 36 – 1998

Preface By Geoffrey Burbidge
Roaming Through Astrophysics
Type Ia Supernovae And The Hubble Constant
Detection Of Extrasolar Giant Planets
First Results From Hipparcos
Radio Emission From Solar Flares
Star Formation In Galaxies Along The Hubble Sequence
Herbig Ae/Be Stars
The Lyman Alpha Forest In The Spectra Of Quasistellar Objects
Chemical Evolution Of Star-Forming Regions
Carbon Stars
Dwarf Galaxies Of The Local Group
Astronomical Searches For Earth-Like Planets And Signs Of Life
Modeling Extragalactic Jets
Simulations Of Structure Formation In The Universe

Volume 37 – 1999

Preface By Geoffrey Burbidge
Adventures In Cosmogony
A Critical Review Of Galactic Dynamos
Frequency Allocation: The First Forty Years
Reference Frames In Astronomy
Probing The Universe With Weak Lensing
The Hr Diagram And The Galactic Distance Scale After Hipparcos
Nucleosynthesis In Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars: Relevance For Galactic Enrichment And Solar System Formation
Physical Conditions In Regions Of Star Formation
High-Energy Processes In Young Stellar Objects
Sources Of Relativistic Jets In The Galaxy
The First 50 Years At Palomar: 1949–1999 The Early Years Of Stellar Evolution, Cosmology, And High-Energy Astrophysics
Elemental Abundances In Quasistellar Objects: Star Formation And Galactic Nuclear Evolution At High Redshifts
Origin And Evolution Of The Natural Satellites
Far-Ultraviolet Radiation From Elliptical Galaxies

Volume 38 – 2000

Preface By Geoffrey Burbidge
A Fortunate Life In Astronomy
Stellar Structure And Evolution: Deductions From Hipparcos
The First 50 Years At Palomar, 1949–1999 Another View: Instruments, Spectroscopy And Spectrophotometry And The Infrared
Common Envelope Evolution Of Massive Binary Stars
The Evolution Of Rotating Stars
Type Ia Supernova Explosion Models
Extreme Ultraviolet Astronomy
X-Ray Properties Of Groups Of Galaxies
Theory Of Low-Mass Stars And Substellar Objects
Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows
Organic Molecules In The Interstellar Medium, Comets, And Meteorites: A Voyage From Dark Clouds To The Early Earth
Observations Of Brown Dwarfs
Phenomenology Of Broad Emission Lines In Active Galactic Nuclei
Mass Loss From Cool Stars: Impact On The Evolution Of Stars And Stellar Populations
Winds From Hot Stars
The Hubble Deep Fields
Millisecond Oscillations In X-Ray Binaries
Extragalactic Results From The Infrared Space Observatory

Volume 39 – 2001

Preface By Geoffrey Burbidge
Telescopes, Red Stars, And Chilean Skies
The Reionization Of The Universe By The First Stars And Quasars
Cosmological Implications From Observations Of Type Ia Supernovae
The Orion Nebula And Its Associated Population
Rotation Curves Of Spiral Galaxies
The New Solar Corona1
Standard Cosmology And Alternatives: A Critical Appraisal
The Cosmic Infrared Background: Measurements And Implications1
The Supermassive Black Hole At The Galactic Center
Optical Interferometry
Herbig-Haro Flows: Probes Of Early Stellar Evolution
The Development Of High-Resolution Imaging In Radio Astronomy1
The Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Seti)
Dusty Circumstellar Disks
Chaos In The Solar System1

Volume 40 – 2002

Preface By Geoffrey Burbidge
A Generalist Looks Back
Ultra-Compact Hii Regions And Massive Star Formation
Kuiper Belt Objects: Relics From The Accretion Disk Of The Sun
Theory Of Giant Planets
Theories Of Gamma-Ray Bursts
Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies
Stellar Radio Astronomy: Probing Stellar Atmospheres From Protostars To Giants
Modified Newtonian Dynamics As An Alternative To Dark Matter
Cluster Magnetic Fields
The Origin Of Binary Stars
Radio Emission From Supernovae And Gamma-Ray Bursters
Shapes And Shaping Of Planetary Nebulae
The New Galaxy: Signatures Of Its Formation
The Evolution Of X-Ray Clusters Of Galaxies
Lyman-Break Galaxies
Cosmology With The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect

Volume 41 – 2003

Preface By Geoffrey Burbidge
My Life In Astrophysics*
Massive Stars In The Local Group: Implications For Stellar Evolution And Star Formation
Embedded Clusters In Molecular Clouds
Mass Loss From The Nuclei Of Active Galaxies
Action At A Distance And Cosmology: A Historical Perspective
Hot Gas In And Around Elliptical Galaxies
Interstellar Dust Grains
High-Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy With Chandra And Xmm-Newton
Laboratory X-Ray Astrophysics
Post-Agb Stars
Evolution Of A Habitable Planet
Cool White Dwarfs*
Quantitative Spectroscopy Of Photoionized Clouds
Enhanced Angular Momentum Transport In Accretion Disks
The Internal Rotation Of The Sun
Weak Gravitational Lensing By Large-Scale Structure

Volume 42 – 2004

My Cruise Through The World Of Astronomy
Astrophysics With Presolar Stardust
The First Stars
Iso Spectroscopy Of Gas And Dust: From Molecular Clouds To Protoplanetary Disks
Neutron Star Cooling
Interstellar Turbulence I: Observations And Processes
Interstellar Turbulence Ii: Implications And Effects
Grs 1915+105 And The Disc-Jet Coupling In Accreting Black Hole Systems
Impulsive Magnetic Reconnection In The Earth's Magnetotail And The Solar Corona
Abundance Variations Within Globular Clusters
Dynamics Of Lunar Formation
Eros And Faint Red Galaxies
Fine Structure In Sunspots
Planet Formation By Coagulation: A Focus On Uranus And Neptune
Secular Evolution And The Formation Of Pseudobulges In Disk Galaxies
Young Stars Near The Sun

Volume 43 – 2005

An Education In Astronomy
Astrobiology: The Study Of The Living Universe
Sungrazing Comets
The Hydromagnetic Nature Of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections
Digital Image Reconstruction: Deblurring And Denoising
New Spectral Types L And T
High-Velocity White Dwarfs And Galactic Structure
Standard Photometric Systems
The Three-Phase Interstellar Medium Revisited
The Adequacy Of Stellar Evolution Models For The Interpretation Of The Color-Magnitude Diagrams Of Resolved Stellar Populations
Evolution Of Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars
New Light On Stellar Abundance Analyses: Departures From Lte And Homogeneity
The Discovery And Analysis Of Very Metal-Poor Stars In The Galaxy
The Classification Of Galaxies: Early History And Ongoing Developments
Mega-Masers And Galaxies

Volume 44 – 2006

An Engineer Becomes Astronomer
The Evolution and Structure of Pulsar Wind Nebulae
X-Ray Properties of Black-Hole Binaries
Absolute Magnitude Calibrations of Population I and II Cepheids and Other Pulsating Variables in the Instability Strip of the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
Stellar Population Diagnostics of Elliptical Galaxy Formation
Extragalactic Globular Clusters and Galaxy Formation
First Fruits of the Spitzer Space Telescope: Galactic and Solar System Studies*
Populations of X-Ray Sources in Galaxies
Diffuse Atomic and Molecular Clouds
Observational Constraints on Cosmic Reionization
X-Ray Emission from Extragalactic Jets
The Supernova–Gamma-Ray Burst Connection

Volume 45 – 2007

An Accidental Career
The Beginning of Modern Infrared Astronomy
Infrared Detector Arrays for Astronomy
Heating Hot Atmospheres with Active Galactic Nuclei
Physical Properties of Wolf-Rayet Stars
The Search for the Missing Baryons at Low Redshift
Irregular Satellites of the Planets: Products of Capture in the Early Solar System
A New View of the Coupling of the Sun and the Heliosphere
Cold Dark Clouds: The Initial Conditions for Star Formation
Statistical Properties of Exoplanets
Relativistic X-Ray Lines from the Inner Accretion Disks Around Black Holes
Toward Understanding Massive Star Formation*
Theory of Star Formation

Volume 46 – 2008

A Serendipitous Journey
The Growth Mechanisms of Macroscopic Bodies in Protoplanetary Disks
Water in the Solar System
Supernova Remnants at High Energy
The Crab Nebula: An Astrophysical Chimera
Pulsating White Dwarf Stars and Precision Asteroseismology
The Spitzer View of the Extragalactic Universe*
Neutron-Capture Elements in the Early Galaxy
Interstellar Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Molecules*
Evolution of Debris Disks
Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe
Spectropolarimetry of Supernovae
Nuclear Activity in Nearby Galaxies
The Double Pulsar

Volume 47 – 2009

An Astronomical Life Salted by Pure Chance
The Hi Distribution of the Milky Way
Progenitors of Core-Collapse Supernovae
Gravitational Waves from Merging Compact Binaries
Physical Properties and Environments of Nearby Galaxies
Hot Subdwarf Stars
High-Contrast Observations in Optical and Infrared Astronomy
Magnetic Reconnection in Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas
Magnetic Fields of Nondegenerate Stars
Star-Formation Histories, Abundances, and Kinematics of Dwarf Galaxies in the Local Group
Complex Organic Interstellar Molecules
The Chemical Composition of the Sun
Teraelectronvolt Astronomy
Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Era

Volume 48 – 2010

Tribute to Geoffrey Burbidge (1925–2010)
Searching for Insight
Cosmic Silicates
The Birth Environment of the Solar System
Strong Lensing by Galaxies
Reionization and Cosmology with 21-cm Fluctuations
Interstellar Dust in the Solar System
The Inner Regions of Protoplanetary Disks
Physical Processes in Magnetically Driven Flares on the Sun, Stars, and Young Stellar Objects
Local Helioseismology: Three-Dimensional Imaging of the Solar Interior
A Universal Stellar Initial Mass Function? A Critical Look at Variations
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics in Astrophysics
Young Massive Star Clusters
Dark Matter Candidates from Particle Physics and Methods of Detection
Molecular Clouds in Nearby Galaxies
The Ages of Stars
Exoplanet Atmospheres
The Hubble Constant

Volume 49 – 2011

An Interesting Voyage
Laboratory Astrochemistry: Gas-Phase Processes
Protoplanetary Disks and Their Evolution
The Astrophysics of Ultrahigh-Energy Cosmic Rays
Dark Matter Searches with Astroparticle Data
Dynamics of Protoplanetary Disks
The Interstellar Medium Surrounding the Sun
Comets as Building Blocks
Galaxy Disks
The First Galaxies
Cosmological Parameters from Observations of Galaxy Clusters
The Chemical Composition of Comets—Emerging Taxonomies and Natal Heritage
Physical Properties of Galaxies from z = 2–4



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22 juin 2012 5 22 /06 /juin /2012 23:04

Hébergements Immersifs à l'Observatoire

Nous inaugurons le gîte des astronomes en mission ce week end. Nous recevons en effet tout un Comité d'Entreprise de Chambéry pour une découverte de l'astronomie et de la vie dans un observatoire. Il fallait donc mettre le paquet au niveau des derniers réglages tant dans l'accueil des nouvelles chambres d'hôtes que dans la préparation de la première séance publique à l'oculaire du grand télescope sous coupole. 

Nous vous invitons à découvrir ce nouvel espace de vie pour les astronomes de passage à l'Observatoire : dans l'ordre d'apparition et de gauche à droite : Cuisine, salle à manger, chambre Callisto, chambre Europe, chambre Ganymède, couloir, salle d'eaux (pour chaque chambre), SAM et cuisine vue de la terrasse sud, toutes les chambres sont pré-équipées TV, Internet, Gallerie d'Art astronomique.

Qui a dit que lorsque l'on est astronome ou amateur, il fallait pour autant être logé dans des conditions spartiates ?

Gites Mars et Jupiter

Chambres d'Hôtes Vénus, Ganymède, Europe, Callisto et Tethys

Tarifs des hébergements et des prestations (2 chambres d'hôtes, 1 grand gîte pour 8 personnes, 1 petit gîte pour 4/5 personnes)

Deux chambres sont accessibles pour les personnes à mobilité réduite.    


Cuisine équipée et salon salle à manger


Chambre Callisto et Europe


Grande chambre Ganymède


Couloir desserte chambres et une des 3 salles de bains indépendantes


Depuis la terrasse Observatoire


Chambre Téthys sous la salle de contrôle Hypèrion et la salle de bain PMR

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7 mars 2012 3 07 /03 /mars /2012 17:43

L'observatoire sera ouvert au grand public à partir juillet 2012 pour des visites et des soirées découvertes, ainsi que des immersions sous la coupole aux commandes du grand télescope. Nous vous proposons de télécharger notre flyer ainsi que l'affiche pour la saison 2012. En espérant vous voir nombreux lors de votre prochain passage. Vous pouvez télécharger ces documents à partir de notre page documents.


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3 janvier 2011 1 03 /01 /janvier /2011 09:44

Partout en France une éclipse de Soleil visible.

eclipse 2011

Elle est annulaire

Attention les heures sont exprimées en Temps Universel, il faut donc rajouter 1 heure pour l'heure locale

A Gap le pourcentage d'obscurité atteindra 62 %

En Finlande près de 85 %, A Paris 65 %

Merci à Xavier Jubier pour sa carte interactive

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17 décembre 2010 5 17 /12 /décembre /2010 21:03

Vous souhaitez faire de l'astronomie selon votre rythme, nous vous proposons deux formules :



Formule hébergement de vos matériels avec robotisation


Actuellement hébergé sur le site : l'Université allemande OWL    

Ce mode accueille votre télescope dans notre abri à toit roulant. Vous pouvez l'utiliser quand vous le souhaitez : soit sur place, soit en mode accès à distance. Vous pouvez aussi le proposer sur notre réseau afin de bénéficier de conditions avantageuses ou d'amortir votre investissement.      


Formule hébergement de vos matériels sans robotisation

Actuellement hébergé sur le site : Bertrand Laville

Ce mode vous permet de remiser votre télescope dans notre bâtiment planétarium sécurisé et surveillé sous réseau de caméra IP, et de le sortir en fonction de votre venue selon les périodes que vous souhaitez. Vous avez à votre disposition deux dalles (Est et Ouest) de chaque coté du planétarium.

 hebergement NR


Nos tarifs :

Dans les deux formules sont inclus 


 Monitoring du seeing sur le site de l’Observatoire      (seeing)                                         inclus

 Monitoring de la couverture nuageuse                       (sentinel)                                        inclus

 Monitoring All Sky                                                        (all sky)                                          inclus

˜ Nombre de nuits (moyenne annuelle observable)   (statistiques)                                     250 nuits

˜ noirceur du ciel (nouvelle lune et faible activité solaire mai 2006)                                    21.6 mag/arcsec 2

˜ Utilisation Internet ( ADSL 1 Mega)                                                                                    inclus

˜ Possibilité d’utiliser les hébergements sur le site    (                          tarif saison en vigueur

˜ Accès à l’électricité                                                                                                            inclus


˜ Surveillance par caméra IP (envoi de mail si détection)                                                     inclus


 Accès aux autres ressources de l'observatoire sur place                                     Bibliothèque, télescopes planétarium


 Accès au Grand Télescope de Mission ( sur place)                                               en intégrant une équipe en semaine, ou en invité


             Tarifications  pour robotisation à distance :                                   Tarifs annuels


Dans l'abri à toit Roulant


- Location annuelle pour un particulier                                                                    6.000 € ttc

- Location annuelle pour une association astronomique                                      6.000 € ttc

- Location annuelle pour un Comité d’Entreprise                                                   7.200 € ttc

- Location annuelle pour une instance Scientifique ou Universitaire                7.200 € ttc

 - Location annuelle pour une utilisation commerciale                                         9.600 € ttc


             Tarifications  pour hébergement sans robotisation :                   Tarifs annuels 


- Location annuelle d'un emplacement pour matériels astronomiques                 360 € ttc / an / m2

Dans le planétarium





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